Savvy comes to us from our dear friends Annette & Dave Milburn. She is out of the handsome "SugarRay", MBISS MBIS CAN GCH EX/AM GCH Mytuk's Technical Knock Out and pretty "Rousey", Mytuk's Talk Of The Town. We were in love with this sensational sable girl from the moment we laid eyes on her as a newborn, and she turned out to be even better the older she got. She is sweet as pie, and tackles everything in life with a wild, happy attitude.
We have been actively showing her since she was 3 months old as a Baby Puppy, where she started winning big, and she hasn't stopped since. Savvy is a Multiple Best Baby Puppy In Show winner with 4 (that's right, 4) BBPIS's. She then went to her first "big girl" show in Canada at 6 months and 2 days old where she won the Puppy Group all 3 shows, and a Best Puppy In Show! Only 2 short weeks later, she went to the 2017 AMCA National with us where she won her class in Futurity. She then won Best Puppy In Specialty Show and Reserve Winners Bitch for her first major in the US under judge Mr. Larry Chu - all from the 6-9 month puppy class! We were thrilled that our 6 month old baby girl was wowing judges as we knew she would. Most recently she flew with me to Manitoba where she won Winners Bitch at the MWHA Alaskan Malamute Specialty, picking up a total of 8 points in 1 weekend. Two weeks later, as only 7 months old, Savvy completed her Canadian Championship going WB, BW, BOS and even started working on her Grand Championship going BOS the rest of the weekend. In January 2018 Savvy attended her first All Breed US show where she picked up another major towards her American Championship going Winners Bitch from the 6-9 month puppy class, at 9 months old.
Savvy became a mother in the summer of 2019 and produced a gorgeous litter of puppies, from which we kept Creed. She loved her babies and would play with them constantly, always pulling them between her legs into her chest to snuggle for a nap. She still loves puppies whether they’re hers or not and does a great job stepping in to play with litters and socialize them, teach them how to behave like good babies, leash train them and keep them company. She is just the nest nanny we could ask for!
BPIS BPISS MBBPIS CAN CH Mytuk Silent Assassin At Ironpride
Height: 23.5"
Weight: 70 lbs
Colour: Sable and White
Clearances: Hips - Pre-lim Certified Elbows - Certified
Eyes - Certified Heart - Certified Patella - Certified
Polyneuropathy - Non-Carrier Long Coat - Carrier
Sire: MBISS MBIS CAN GCH EX/AM GCH Mytuk's Technical Knock Out aka "SugarRay"
Dam: Mytuk's Talk Of The Town aka "Rousey"