Siren has the most beautiful dark almond shaped eyes, lovely feet, friendly and sweet disposition and she’s always making us laugh. She has discovered a ove for the water since coming to Canada, maybe a bit too much, in that she will seize any opportunity to take a dip in our pool if we happen to turn our backs, even after I’ve just freshly groomed her. She is full of spirit and personality, and thinks everything is oh-so-fun, much to my dismay at times. Her happy-go-lucky attitude if infectious though, and we are sure this will carry over to shows once she matures and is ready to compete.
Siren started, and completed her Canadian Championship in only 3 days after just turning 3 years old winning Best of Breed over Specials 3 of 4 shows, and even earning a Group 3rd from the classes along the way. We are so thrilled that she was able to achieve her Championship this easily, and now will look to other titles to achieve with her as well. Our sincere thank you to the judges who thought so highly of her, awarding her from the classes.
CAN CH Starring-Maat Roxanne
Height: 24"
Weight: 70 lbs
Colour: Wolf-grey and White
Clearances: Hips - Pre-lim Certified Elbows - Certified
Eyes - Certified Heart - Certified Patella - Certified
Polyneuropathy - Non-Carrier Long Coat - Non-Carrier
PCD - Clear Cone Degeneration - Clear
Sire: Multi CH Starring-Maat Knockout - “Chico”
Dam: Starring-Maat Dime lo que quieres de Kabluna - “Coco”
Named after the song “Roxanne” by the band, The Police, we felt it fitting to give her a call name relevant to that hit song. A siren is often referred to as one who calls men to her, and in Greek and Italian mythology, Mermaids were known as Sirens, luring sailors to shipwreck on the rocks.
It’s been almost 10 years since Sophia came to me and I am thrilled to once again welcome a puppy from my dear friends Elvira and Fabrizio in Italy.